Artichokes against mesothelioma: a new weapon against cancer
An article presented by the web newspaper, in the Health & Wellness section, claims that artichokes could be the new weapon against mesotelioma. Si tratta di una grave forma di tumore causato dall’esposizione all‘asbestos: material banned for twenty years but still widespread nationally.

The website states that to guide the first clinical study based precisely on the extract of this common vegetable is the Regina Elena IRCCS National Cancer Institute of Rome.
It, together with McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada), will perform tests aimed at analyzing the properties of the artichoke on people with strong risk factors, such as lung asbestos plaques.
The project, presented on the occasion of the international Workshop on metabolism, diet and chronic diseases, is all "made in Italy", because the compound used for the experimentation was developed by a company in our country.
What the experts say:
"Malignant mesothelioma is a rare tumor that affects men more frequently and in Italy it represents 0.4 percent of all cancers diagnosed in men and 0.2 percent of those diagnosed in women. According to the Italian Cancer Registry Association (AIRTUM) an estimated 1,500 cases among men and 400 among women, for 2017. The number of cases is growing slightly among women, probably because in recent years the number of female workers had increased used in the industrial production of materials containing asbestos, or asbestos, the main cause of this tumor. " Source: AIRC
In Italy the incidence of this type of cancer is particularly high: "continuously growing" and "a peak is expected by 2020", comments Giovanni Blandino, Head of the Laboratory of Translational Oncogenomics of Regina Elena. "In our study - adds Sabrina Strano, researcher of the Molecular Medicine Area - we experience, first in the world, chemoprevention with a natural substance and with a low cost. If our intuitions were confirmed, we would open the way to a revolution ”.
Medical science has long recognized the protective role offered by fruit and vegetables against various diseases. "The artichoke extract, developed by our laboratories, has managed to overcome the very strict North American control standards" - Valentino Mercati, Founder of the Aboca Group.
Further interesting information regarding the benefits of artichokes in terms of anticarcinogenic and antineoplastic activity is present at this site.