Nutritional properties of the artichoke and related benefits for human health.
The artichoke, according to recent studies, must be considered an authentic universal remedy thanks to its rich properties: it is a tonic and digestive food.
The cynarine contained in the artichoke causes an increase in biliary flow and diuresis and is therefore hepato-protective, carrying out an important protective action of the liver, the organ assigned to purify all the toxic substances ingested with incorrect nutrition or excessive use of alcohol.

The use of the artichoke must enter into everyday food, essential for those suffering from cholesterol medium-high and triglycerides. The artichoke is also rich in potassium and iron salts. In the artichoke there are also some sugars allowed to diabetics, such as mannite and inulin and other minerals such as copper, zinc, sodium, phosphorus and manganese. The artichoke extracts obtained from different parts of the plant (leaves, fruits and roots) have been used as a medicine since ancient times. The high fiber content present in artichokes helps in improving the functions of the digestive tract and is a good laxative.
Its draining effect is one of the first reasons that leads the artichoke to be an excellent agent for promoting of a gradual loss of weight..
Consuming artichoke has no side effects.
In the artichoke there is a chlorogenic acid, antioxidant, which is capable of preventing arteriosclerotic and cardiovascular diseases. The substances with antioxidant properties contained in the artichoke have a potential anticancer activity which is still the subject of research.
To benefit from these extraordinary healing qualities, it would be necessary to take an amount of artichoke, preferably fresh, equal to 100-300 g per day for a fairly long period.
The artichoke is an excellent food that helps the body in anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. With its nutritional properties, regulates appetite and diuresis.
The artichoke has very few calories (22 Kcal per 100 gr). Raw or cooked, with modest condiments, artichokes are a useful food to fight diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, cellulite and overweight. It also has sedative and tranquilizing properties.
Cfr. “Qualità nutrizionale ed aspetti salutistici del carciofo: impatto sulla salute del consumatore”.Durazzo A, Azzini E, Foddai MS, Catasta G, Miccadei S, Fraioli R, Di Venere D, Linsalata V, Cardinali A, Pieralice M, Sergio L, Maiani G. (2007). INRAN Istituto Nazionale di Ricerna per gli Alimenti e la Nutrizione.
Artichokes are a valuable source of potassium and iron salts. They contain the cynarine, which promotes diuresis and biliary secretion. Usually the flower and bracts are eaten, after eliminating the external, harder ones. Undisputed protectors of the liver, artichokes cause an increase in bile flow and are very suitable in the diet of diabetics. The infusion prepared with artichoke leaves, which can be associated with other herbs, is truly miraculous from the point of view of stimulating diuresis and elimination of toxins: the taste is bitter, but the benefit is guaranteed.
Artichokes are also among the foods with the most high fiber contenttherefore useful for intestinal regularity.
The artichoke is a food that also has a positive effect on cardiovascular system, as it is a cholesterol lowering food. Before buying it, check that it is firm and without stains. To recognize its freshness, grasp it with your index and thumb, pressing: if the artichokes resist and do not flatten, freshness is guaranteed.