Fried artichokes, uno dei piatti più famosi e più rinomati della tradizione culinaria monteluponese tramandata per generazioni.

As well as the famous Ascolana Olives, another typical Marche dish, the procedure requires that the edible part is floured, passed into the egg and breaded to ensure excellent frying.
- Artichokes of Montelupone
- lemon;
- eggs;
- salt;
- beer;
- pepper;
- flour;
- bread crumbs;
- extra virgin olive oil.
Preparation time
20 minutes
After cleaning, washing and cutting the artichokes into wedges, sprinkle them with fresh lemon juice. Prepare the beaten eggs with a pinch of salt, pepper and a small amount of beer. Turn the artichoke wedges into the flour and sift them to avoid waste. Pass them in the egg and finally in the bread crumbs. Fry in boiling but non-steaming extra virgin olive oil, until golden brown. Finally pass the artichokes on paper towels, salt and serve.
In the fridge two days.
A variant consists in boiling the cut artichokes for a few minutes before passing them in the flour; this procedure will make the breading crisp while keeping the pulp soft.
Once the breading process (as described above) has been followed, the same sliced artichokes can be placed in a pan with a drizzle of oil and then baked in the oven at 200 ° C for about 15 minutes.
For this recipe you can follow the interesting video guide of Cook Around.
Enjoy your meal!