The artichoke sweet tart is a particular dessert. Even if the artichoke is usually used for savory preparations, nothing prevents its use as a dessert, indeed, its adaptability is to be considered the strength of the vegetable itself.

- 250 g of flour '00';
- 1 egg;
- 580 gr. of sugar;
- 580 gr. of sugar;
- 3 lemons;
- 5 liters of water;
- 600 g of artichokes;
- 250 gr of ricotta cheese.
Preparation time
30 minutes
First of all the shortcrust pastry: we have 250 gr. of flour on the pastry board, in the center we put 1 whole egg, 80 gr. sugar, butter (previously softened) and grated peel of half a lemon; we beat the egg with a fork trying to slowly incorporate the rest of the ingredients, when the dough will be difficult to mix then we begin to knead with your hands. As soon as we have obtained a homogeneous mixture, we form a ball and keep it in the fridge for at least half an hour wrapped in plastic wrap for food.
We compose the filling starting from the preparation of the artichokes: we put on the fire a pot with 5 liters of water and 300 gr. of sugar, as the boil is reached, add the whole artichokes and a lemon made into wedges and let cook until the artichokes become soft. Finally drain the artichokes and let them cool completely. We toss the lemon slices and blend the artichokes with a blender until they become a pulpy mixture.
We work the ricotta cheese with the sugar and the grated lemon peel and add the artichoke pulp. We mix well and with this cream we will fill the shortcrust pastry.
Let's take the shortcrust pastry out of the fridge and divide it into two parts, one larger than the other. With the larger part we line the tart mold and cover the shortcrust pastry with the ricotta and artichoke cream. With the shortcrust pastry left, we make the classic strips.
We put in the oven and let it cook at 180 ° for 25-30 minutes.
Two days.
You can add, in the filling, the chocolate chips that will give a touch of fantasy to your tart.