The Artichoke of Montelupone Festival

The Festival of the artichoke of Montelupone is a traditional event which, since 1961, is organized every year on the first (or second) weekend of May. It attracts thousands of visitors from all over the region, attracted by the tasty offer of gastronomic delicacies and by the folklore of a party that is always highly appreciated.

The goal of the festival is to enhance one of the typical products, a symbol of the town of Montelupone. We remind you that the Montelupone artichoke has been awarded the DE.C.O (municipal denomination of origin - RES Tipica) brand and recently the Slow Food brand. The product is eaten fresh or possibly preserved in oil according to traditional home recipes (which you can find here).

A rich program of events for the weekend, which every year includes a succession of musical performances. The food stands offer a wide variety of dishes based on Montelupone artichoke ranging from appetizers, first courses, second courses and even desserts and ice cream.

The festival takes place in the historic center of Montelupone, in this page you can get directions on how to get there.

L’associazione Proloco di Montelupone ha annunciato che la 62ª edizione della Sagra del Carciofo si svolgerà nelle date del 10 e 11 maggio 2025.

Durante la sagra è possibile acquistare il carciofo fresco direttamente dai produttori locali.

Come and visit us to buy the real biological Montelupone artichoke. (Carciofaia Agostini – Via Alighieri 14 – Montelupone).

More information can be found in the Facebook page Proloco Montelupone.

sagra carciofo foto storica
Historical photo of the artichoke festival
sagra carciofo foto storica
Historical photo of the artichoke festival


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